Join an MHA committee

Sign up below!

Communications: Planning and executing the MHA communications network/s: Platforms such as the MHA Network, Mass History Commons, MHA Website, MHA Newsletter. Creating communications materials and outreach for MHA.

Mass History Conference: Planning and putting on the Mass History Conference

Development: Increasing membership, fundraising, membership administration, donor administration

Advocacy: Keep your ear to the ground for local and public history organizations, spread the news on what you hear via the MHA platforms; develop MHA-initiated advocacy opportunities for the field; develop connections with other advocacy organizations, to our towns, to the field, supporters and donors, and to governmental entities.


Use PayPal or send a check

Thank you for your support!

Please make out your check to the Massachusetts History Alliance and send it to:

Eric Peterson, Treasurer, Mass History Alliance
c/o Earl Taylor,
123 Ashmont Street
Dorchester, MA, 02124

Thank you!

MHA Committee sign-up

MHA Committee sign-up