Join the Mass History Alliance BOARD to…

  • Be part ofyoung organization that works hard to create a viable mutual support and advocacy network for the entire public history field in Massachusetts. These are interesting times — this is your opportunity to help build a vital resource from the ground up.
  • Serve the field: the Mass History Alliance serves the entire field of public and local history in Massachusetts.  
  • Get  to know MHA member organizations: MHA’s members are history-based organizations and institutions in the Commonwealth, including historical societies, historic houses, regional historic networks, library history rooms, museums, archives and research libraries, historic sites, preservation groups, and educational institutions, as well as historical commissions and other town, state, and federal history-focused government units.

We are looking for members of any of those organizations to step into a leadership role to support regional networks and develop public history advocacy at the state level as well as help organize and run the new Mass History Commons, and the annual Mass History Conference. How it works: You nominate yourself.  If the nominating committee agrees that you qualify, you end up on the ballot. The election is held in July.

Qualifications for board membership:
Membership in at least one of the MHA member organizations (membership is free!)

Enthusiasm for supporting and advocating for the field of public history in MA

Willingness to spend a few hours a month on one of the MHA projects.

Board terms are three years. Board and Committee meetings are held via Zoom. Our bylaws call for the board  to have nineteen members from across the entire state, and from a diversity of kinds of history organizations, as well as backgrounds.