to the MHA
Please make out your check to the Massachusetts History Alliance and send it to:
Eric Peterson, Treasurer, Mass History Alliance
c/o Earl Taylor,
123 Ashmont Street
Dorchester, MA, 02124
Thank you!
MHA Membership Contributions
Suggested membership contributions for organizations and institutions: Small $75-150; Medium $150-299; Large $300+. Suggested contribution for individuals: contribute what you wish to or can afford. Some people feel that $50 per year is the right amount for them.
Mass History Commons or Conference Contributions
Please note your program preferences on your Paypal or check donation. If you wish to make an arrangement for a specific conference sponsorship, please contact our Treasurer.
Funds will be used to coordinate and run the website and communications networks; coordinate the volunteers who develop networking and informational programming such as the annual conference and the Mass History Commons; coordinate the volunteers who create and run our advocacy projects.