MHA Publick Occurrences

May 30, 2018

IT’S ELECTION TIME! The MHA annual meeting is on July 16th in Worcester/Worcester County. We’ll be electing four officers (Pres. , VP, Treasurer, and  Clerk) and three at large members of the board of Directors.

Are you centrally located and want to host 20-50 public history folks and show off your place? Please be in touch! (use contact form below)

Want to work on the nominating committee? Be in touch! (use contact form below)

Want to be nominated? Be in touch! (this is getting repetitive, you know what to do))

Want to see for yourself how all this works? Read the bylaws! (MHA BYLAWS dec 12 2017).

Our terms end on July 16th:

Pleun Bouricius (Pres.)
Patty Bruttomesso ( Treas.)
Joanne Riley (Clerk)
Robert Forrant ( Director)
Cliff McCarthy (Director)

More to come