2018 Mass History Conference
People’s History ⇿ Local History
How is it going in your town? Submerge yourself in Massachusetts local and public history for a day. Find out how public history organizations meet the challenges of today. Meet and make friends and colleagues, learn about programs that have happened and are going to happen, shop your own ideas, find out about resources available to your organization and for your programs. Come up with some new collaborations and ideas for the year, think about raising money and dream of conquering your backlog in archiving. Topics ranged from oral history to digital self-guided tours, programs funded by the Community Preservation Act, digital preservation, and much more.
Keynote speaker Franklin Odo, founding director of the Smithsonian’s Asian Pacific American Center, will focus on bringing immigrant communities to museums and museums to immigrant communities, engaging artists, and other ways to broaden the engagement with public and local history.
Registration included workshops, a continental breakfast spread, an elaborate sandwich and salad lunch buffet with vegetarian options, and a mid-afternoon snack and drink.