Whether you need web hosting for a course, a special project, or a publication, help developing and producing a podcast, or access to legacy media content that time and technological obsolescence has placed just out of reach, we know how to help.
Contact us today to learn more about how Humanist media can power your humanities projects and research into the digital future.
Whether you are an independent scholar, a department, a journal, or a publisher, Humanist Media can help to bridge the gap between project planning and execution, offering a full range of technology and consulting services.
Humanist Media offers a full range of services to get your project on the web, and enable organizations, cultural institutions, and scholars with the most reliable network tools.
Consulting and Management
- Podcast Production
- Web design training
- Online conference design and management
- Whova
- Custom conference site
Web Services
- Web hosting, including managed WordPress hosting
- Website design
- Website management (1-year contract)
Network Services
- Domain registration
- Email hosting
- Online storage
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