Erin Wederbrook Yuskaitis, Principal for Yellow Room Consulting, is an experienced museum educator and Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) facilitator specializing in adult learning, innovative program development, and cross-discipline meaning-making. She spent 15 years in the art and museum worlds, working for four different cultural institutions in Alabama and Massachusetts, before starting her own consulting business. Now she works with corporate, healthcare, and museum clients. Erin received her BA in art history and archaeology from the University of Virginia, her MA in American Studies from the University of Alabama, and her Certificate in Museum Studies/Education from Tufts University. She previously served as the Education Professional Affinity Group Co-Chair for the New England Museum Association and as a member of the Greater Boston Museum Educators Roundtable Steering Committee. Erin’s museum clients in New England include the Maine Archives & Museums, Boston By Foot, the Vilna Shul, and the New Art Center.